Homeless Shelters

Emergency shelters and homeless shelters and some transitional housing opportunities. Many homeless shelters have waiting lists and some are long. Call each shelter for availability.

http://www.usc.salvationarmy.org/usc/www_usc_monroe.nsf The Salvation Army has regular church ser...
Our nonprofit agency has been providing a wide range of compassionate and confidential social ser...
From transportation to supplemental food, from providing a home, saving a home, or offering in-ho...
The Human Potential Center has been serving Monroe County for over 30 years.  Although our presen...
A positive homelike environment for women who are homeless and have substance abuse problems, a p...
Individuals 45 and older who reside in Monroe County and are physically disabled and/or mentally ...
Oaks of Righteousness Christian Ministries is a ministry of hope and reconciliation. Our vision i...
Warming Shelter. Open from 8pm in the evening until 8am in the morning each day when the temperat...
Emergency shelter for up to 32 men. There is a 90-day limit stay at the shelter. Men should be wo...
Transitional shelter and housing where assistance is provided for up to two years. Monroe County ...
Mission To provide those programs and services essential to the emotional well-being, self-esteem...
The Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board develops and recommends ...
Our mission at DrugRehab.com is to equip those suffering from substance use disorders and their ...
Retirement, independent living, and continuing care communities house thousands of seniors and ol...
Showing 15 results